Benelux Blog

Cyberdefense: Information Warfare

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As part of the Pôle d'excellence cyber (cyber excellence cluster), last May we contributed to the publication of a reference document on the fight against information manipulation, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Armed Forces, numerous digital companies, researchers and teachers and students from Great School. 

We have also created a “study circle”, an embryonic think tank called PEGASE, on the fight against information manipulation, with the aim of contributing to the nation's resilience in this area, and advancing thinking on the subject (methods, threats, experiences, perspectives). This will enable us to generate ideas on this highly topical threat, design tools,  technological and human responses to meet these major challenges. 

We are also a founding member of the board of directors of the cyber campus set up at the initiative of the French President and ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information). 

We have also been an active member of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ESCO) since 2020, and contribute to the Cyber Chair at IHEDN (Institut des hautes études en défense nationale).

Sopra Steria's vision : 

Today, we think of cybersecurity in terms of the vulnerability of information systems, computer viruses, espionage and cybercrime. However, the omnipresence of informational warfare, combined with the fight against information manipulation and cyber influence (L2I), has become a major challenge for our country. Indeed, informational attacks are regularly carried out to denigrate a state or a company, but also to undermine the very foundations of our democracies. In this context, artificial intelligence represents a risk, particularly in the context of deep fakes, but it is also a remarkable tool in the fight against malicious AI.

Sopra Steria's ambition is to become a key player in the fight against information and L2I. We are convinced that in 10 years' time, information warfare will have the same importance as cyberdefense and cybersecurity today. Current work in cybersecurity, in particular the study of attackers' modus operandi and their identification, can be adapted to the constraints.

We are also convinced that “intelligent storage”, data sorting and enhancement, as well as the automation of identification and response processes, will be key assets in dealing with this growing threat. In the space sector, for example, we are working on data integrity, verifying that orbital data has not been transformed without the knowledge of the sensor and/or processing system, and then sent back as real business data to a C2 or strategic decision-making system.  of informational warfare to anticipate and identify informational attacks, but also to fight back.

“Sopra Steria Benelux plays a crucial role in the defense and security sector, providing innovative solutions and specialized services. Its activities encompass various strategic areas, helping to strengthen the operational capabilities and resilience of government institutions and security forces. “Didier Gilbert Aerospace, Defense & Security Business Unit Director






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